InDesign: Clipping Path Application

If you want to remove a background from a drawing that does not have a clipping path stored, you can do this automatically using the Detect Edges option in the Clipping Paths dialog box. The Detect Edges option hides the lightest or darkest areas of the shape, so it works best when the body is set to anon-white or black background.

Automatically create a clipping path

  Automatically cut the path to the appropriate candidate (left) and the inappropriate candidate (right)

  Select Import Graphics and choose Object > Clip Path.

  In the Clipping Path dialog, select Detect Edges in the Type menu. By default, the brightest tones are excluded; to exclude the darkest tones, you also need to select the Reverse option.

  Specify the clipping path option and click OK.


Clip path option

  The threshold specifies the darkest pixel value that will define the resulting clipping path. By expanding the range of luminance values ​​added to the hidden area, increasing the pixel value from 0 (white)makes more pixels transparent. For example, if you want to delete a very bright projection when using Detect Edge, try increasing the Threshold until the projection disappears. If the bright pixels that should be visible are not visible, the “threshold” is too high.

  When the threshold levels are 25 (left) and 55 (right)

  The tolerance specifies how close the pixel’s luminance value is to the “threshold” before the pixel is hidden by the clipping path. Increasing the “tolerance” value helps to remove unwanted bumps caused by isolated pixels that are darker than others but close to the brightness value in the “threshold”. Higher “tolerance” values ​​typically create a smoother, looser clipping path by increasing the range of values ​​around the “tolerance” value, including isolated darker pixels. Lowering the “tolerance” value tightens the clipping path by making the value smaller. A lower “tolerance” value will create a rougher clipping path by adding anchor points, which may make printing images more difficult.

  When the tolerance levels are 0 (left) and 5 (right)

  The clipping path generated by the collapsed box relative to the clipping path defined by the “Threshold” and “Tolerance” values. Unlike “threshold” and “tolerance”, the “inset frame” value does not take into account the brightness value; it uniformly shrinks the shape of the clipping path. Slightly adjusting the “inset box” value may help hide isolated pixels that cannot be eliminated using the “threshold” and “tolerance” values. Entering a negative value causes the resulting clipping path to be larger than the clipping path defined by the Threshold and Tolerance values.

  When the trap frame is 0.1 mm (left) and 0.3 mm (right)

  Inverting switches the visible and hidden regions by using the darkest hue as the beginning of the clipping path.

  The inclusion of the inner edge makes the area existing inside the original clipping path transparent (if its brightness value is within the “threshold” and “tolerance” range). By default, the Cut Path command only makes the outer area transparent, so use Include Inner Edge to correctly represent the “hole” in the drawing. This option works best when the brightness level of the area you want to be transparent does not match any of the areas that must be visible. For example, if you select “Include inner edge” for the silver-rimmed glasses graphic and the lens becomes transparent, the bright frame area can also become transparent. If some areas become transparent and you don’t want this, try adjusting the Threshold, Tolerance, and Inset Box values.

  Limits the creation of a clipping path in the frame that ends at the visible edge of the graphic. This produces a simpler path when you use a graphical frame to crop the shape.

  Using high resolution images For maximum precision, the actual file should be used to calculate the transparent area. Deselecting this option will calculate the transparency based on the screen display resolution, which will be faster but less accurate. If “alpha channel” is selected, this option will not be available because indesign always uses the actual resolution of the alpha channel.

Convert clipping path to graphics frame

  Choose Object > Clipping Path > Convert ClippingPath to Frame.


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