Ghost Mannequin Photography : How to Get More Buyers
With online apparel sales booming, customers want to see how the clothes will look on them and fit them before they make a buy. This conundrum has given rise to ghost mannequin photography, a method that enables shoppers to almost feel the size dimensions of apparel and its fit (texture) while sitting in their home. One of its best features is that it eliminates the need for a model or mannequin in the photo, a technique that many online stores have adopted.
Think of a dress on an invisible body, shimmying back and forth as if blasted with the tiniest amount of wind. The effect makes the garment come to life, taking center stage in front of a customer away from any distractions, such as mannequins or models. It’s an approach that marries style and substance, striking the perfect balance for delivering a product.
What Is Ghost Mannequin Photography?
Ghost Mannequin Photography, also referred to as invisible mannequin photography or hollow man photography, is a technique to showcase your garments and clothing through a comprehensive 3D feel, without the need for an actual model or mannequins. It is extensively used in the fashion and apparel industry. This technique creates an empty space from the inside. The effect this can create is as if the clothes are on an invisible body, making it easier for potential buyers to picture what the item might look like when worn.
Ghost Mannequin vs Lifestyle Photography
- Ghost Mannequin Photography: Focuses purely on the garment, allowing details such as fit and design to shine without distractions.
- Lifestyle Photography: Integrates the product within a setting, fostering an emotional connection with the audience, but may dilute the focus on the item itself.
Popular Types of Ghost Mannequin Shots
Ghost-mannequin-style photography can show more angles of an item. Here are five popular types:
1. Front View
Most common is the front view, which includes a complete frontal photo of the garment. The angle is advantageous for design details such as buttons, zippers, and graphics, and it works well when displayed as the main product photograph on an e-Commerce page.
2. Back View
Customers often prefer to see a rear view before making a purchase, particularly when it comes to dresses, jackets, and pants. It provides a perspective of the clothing’s fit and appearance from the back, presenting a comprehensive view of the entire product.
3. Top View
A top-view ghost mannequin shot shows the item from a bird’s-eye perspective, an angle that can display aspects such as a collar done right or shoulder goosebumps and an image of inside linings with precision. It works especially well for sweaters, T-shirts, and tops.
4. Side View
This angle provides an overview of the garment’s side appearance and fit. If you are viewing the garment from the side, it presents an excellent opportunity to highlight the beautiful side seams or logos on your sleeve, which often feature patterns and designs that are not visible from the front.
5. Three-Quarter View
The three-quarter view combines elements of the front and side views in a more dynamic perspective. This does show how the area drapes and what shape it is, which means that it solves a problem for his customers.
Step By Step Method for Ghost Mannequin Photography
Taking the best ghost mannequin images requires both skillful photography and very exact editing techniques. Here’s a comprehensive guide:
1. Photo Shooting
Lights: If possible, use natural light, but if not, use two artificial lights (key and fill)—the main source to the left or slightly off camera angle.
Multiple Shot: Take multiple shots of the garment from different angles, as well as interior and exterior shots for space editing.
2. Photo Editing
It is in editing that the ghost mannequin effect comes to life. By using a program like Photoshop, you can remove the mannequin and merge each of these images together to show what your kit would look like laid flat with no packaging.
How to Prepare & Shoot Your Apparel in Four Steps
1. Cast The Right Mannequin for Your Product
Choose a mannequin that corresponds with the dimensions and size of your customer. For instance, if you are marketing petite-size clothes, use a mannequin with a similar figure. A carefully composed mannequin is going to cut out distortion during editing, and your garment will look great on the body.
2. Get Your Ghost Mannequin Photography Setup Ready
It turns out just having a proper setup can make all the difference.
- a) Background:Use a white or gray background to keep it consistent and prevent it from distracting.
- b) Light:The best light comes from natural sunlight, but if this isn’t available, create two softbox lights to provide equal light.
- c) Reflectors:Place reflectors wherever possible so as to control shadows and expose the details of the garment.
- d) Tripod:A tripod will keep the camera in perfect alignment between shots.
3. Place Your Product
Dress the mannequin carefully, making sure you center the garment. Tailor parts of the garment, such as collars, sleeves, and seams, to ensure that it looks more natural. Use clips or pins to help maintain a tight, smooth fit around the mannequin.
4. Capture
Photograph the garment from all angles, front and back sides, as well as photograph it on a hanger inside. This ensures that everything you need to edit in the final image is captured.
How to Edit Ghost Mannequin Photos in 5 Steps Using Photoshop
Step 1: Prepare Your Images
Place the dress form (or model) on the front of the garment.
It lays flat on the inside or back of the garment, revealing details like a neckline or a label.
Step 2: Opening Both Images in Photoshop
Open both mannequin and flat-lay images in Photoshop.
Use the mannequin image as your main working image.
Step 3: Cut Out the Mannequin
Carefully trace around the garment on the mannequin using the Pen Tool (or Quick Selection Tool).
Once you’ve made your selection, press Ctrl+J (Windows) or Cmd+J (Mac) to duplicate the chosen outfit onto a new layer.
We now hide the background layer so we can see only the garment.
Step 4: Fill in the Inside Details
For the inner/back image, use the Pen Tool or Quick Selection Tool and select the portion that you need (such as the neckline or the inner tag).
Copy and paste this selection onto the main image, incorporating the mannequin cutout.
If necessary, scale it into position using the Edit > Transform menu.
Step 5: Blend and Refine
Create a layer mask on the inner details layer.
So use a soft brush to blend those edges and create a smooth transition between the inside and the outside of the clothing.
Make it look natural by altering contrast, brightness, and shadows.
And that is it; save your image, and you’ve achieved a professional but ghostly mannequin look!
Ghost mannequin photography is a great way for online retailers to market clothes that accentuate their design and fit in a chic way. This guide and step-by step guide will help you create customer-appealing images that sell. If you are interested in showcasing your clothing in a professional, ghost mannequin-like display, try these techniques today and start capturing stunning photographs of your products!