Clipping Path Service is open during the corona pandemic

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Strike has no operational impacts on our 24/7 business. We have launched safety initiatives to keep all our operation running and our employees are safe during this period. Clipping Path Lab will still be providing services with full production.

Clipping path lab is always aware with the present situation of Corona Pandemic. As we all are facing a very challenging situation we should overcome this altogether. All designers in Clipping Path Lab are safe and maintaining a healthy environment and our clients are happy with us as they get us 24 hours as well.


As the situation is like this, Clipping path lab never delay to deliver our images to the clients. All clipping path, Image masking, photo retouching, natural shadowing, jewelry retouching services are open to our existing and newly coming clients. Some clients are still thinking that we may be closed. But its a good news for them is we are still active and serving to the clients. Nothing can stop our service as long as the clients want us to work for them.