Photo Retouching Made Simple


Photo Retouching service is exactly what it sounds like! It’s an art form that those of us here at Clipping Path Lab love and practice intricately. Have those old pictures at home, of your most cherished moments? Have they faded or lost the glamour they initially had, years ago? Keep wishing that they looked as good as they did years ago?


We can restore your Kodak moments, to their original glory. We use state of the art technology here at Clipping Path Lab combined with industry standard techniques. What’s more, all our designers are qualified and have many years of experience with photo retouching services.

Not only product photo retouching and portrait retouching, we also offer Photo restoration . Your special moments with the loved one’s around you, now better than ever before! If you’re worried that your point and shoot camera doesn’t produce images as good as a high end DSLR camera? Not to worry, the team at Clipping Path Lab just solved that! With the skills of our designers, pictures of your favorite moments will all look like a professional photographer was present to capture those special moments at the exactly right time!


Clipping Path Lab is also happy to introduce Jewelry retouching. A service that isn’t offered by many design companies. But we at Clipping Path Lab are more than honed to take up the challenge! Jewelry retouching, as the name suggests has to do with images of jewelry. Mostly useful for jewelry collectors, sellers and aficionados of the industry, we can make your gold and silver shine as bright as they can!


So why come to Clipping Path Lab? We offer state of the art solutions, at amazingly reasonable costs. The reasonable costs however, do not affect our standard of work in the least. We take our work very seriously, and will make your challenge, our priority. After trying multiple mockups we’ll pick and choose the one that’s most pleasing to the eye. The one that we think will look great on wherever you publish your work!


What’s more, by the time we’re done with your images, you won’t believe that so much improvement was even possible to begin with! Come to us, to discover that seeing is believing!


So come on in, and talk to our team at Clipping Path Lab. We’ll tell you what we have to offer, and show you what we’ve done with previous projects. Our portfolio will even help you to make up your mind as to what you want!

What is Photo Manipulation?


Photo manipulation also known as, photo editing, is a buzzword of our era. Pictures are optimized and retouched before actually being printed or published to increase the engagement of the audience. That being said, who really wants their pictures edited? Photo manipulation, is for all. Irrespective of whether you a teenage that’s going to post your picture on Facebook or Instagram, to an Advertisement Agency that’s going to print a new magazine cover, to simply even having a decent looking picture on your resume or driver’s license. Why? Because it matters.


As a potential candidate for a job, we at Clipping Path Lab believe that your CV would tell your employer a lot about you, wouldn’t you want to look amazing for your job? After all, they do say, dress for the job that you want, not the one you have right? As a publisher about to launch an issue of a big magazine, you and us at Clipping Path Lab already understand the importance of a design. Having the right images, with the right focus in combination with the perfect color combinations to match, will make your pages look much more interesting to your readers!


So why Clipping Path Lab? Because from a little zit right down to a closed eye, we’ve dealt with it all. Irrelevant of the fact that if the picture was taken by a professional at a wedding or your best buddy on your night out with the gang, picture’s tend to have little glitches here and there. Sometimes little patches or blurs or even a little patch that you’d like to cover.


What sets Clipping Path Lab from the rest? Well, it’s simple. While most designers spend their time understanding and training on graphics applications to actually edit pictures, we do something a little different. The team at Clipping Path Lab study, your picture. With a good eye for detail and a vivid imagination for improvement, we’ll fix your image in ways you didn’t know possible. Don’t worry, we understand the fine line between a pixel-perfect image and an overly “photoshopped” one!


We also keep an ear out for the trends. From time to time, the trends move from bright colors to flat colors to even someone pale colors. Each color pattern offering a different look and feel to the person viewing the image. We’ll enhance your picture to look amazing!

What is Interior Photo Editing Service?


Real Estate is turning into an up and coming business around the world. That being said, we can further your cause, by providing even better optimization to your images. Real Estate image editing is mainly categorized into 2 sections.

Optimize the images of the insides of buildings. May it be the entrance to your fine architectural masterpiece, or the kitchen you want to blow away with, we know just the right way to present it.

Give us your images, and we’ll tell you the best way to edit your images. We can present your establishment, exactly the way it needs to be. May it be a large royal place with a grand feeling to it, or a cozy house with a feeling of ‘home’ to it, we’ll do the needful.

The bright colors, in combination with the focus on the right subjects, can together create a beautiful picture of whatever the building you’re trying to publish!

While the insides of a building might look great with different types of colors that give it a royal or cozy outlook, the outsides of real estate need to be handled differently. Again, with due awareness given to the situation, and also the image itself, they can be optimized so as to promote more than the real estate itself. Vibrant colors are an excellent choice in promoting large areas like estates whereas other color tones can promote a good neighborhood for kids to grow up in.


Whatever is making your photo less than desirable—a yellow color cast, a skewed angle, underexposure—no to worry anymore! The team of professionally trained and well experienced editors at Clipping Path Lab will have a post-processing tool for whatever your problem is.

There’s often much more than meets the eye at first glance when it comes to architectural and interiors photography, and it can be that more than often, due to lack of time, or the dearth of skilled photographers, your portfolio of photographs for real estate venture fails to meet the required expectations. We at Clipping Path lab are more than aware of the many problems faced due to the complex nature of interior photography. This is exactly why we have a separate team of specialist who are exclusively trained in interior photo editing and are highly experienced to offer the very best services to you.

What more could we say about our services when we offer world class image editing at prices that are within everyone’s budget? Your next portfolio of real estates will literally be the sweetest deal ever, with half the effort on your part, and your wallet remaining relatively heavy after you have visited our team at Clipping Path Lab.

Schedule an appointment with Clipping Path Lab today for our online services and feel the difference. Interior photography worries will never be in your head, after we are through with you!

Real estate is never about the walls and the windows or the square feet of the backyard. To a family it’s more of a home and to a businessmen it’s the hope of a better future. Either way, we see the requirement in proper image editing in Real Estate and better yet, understand how to handle these requirements.

Come on in and talk to us and we’ll show you how we can best improve your image.

Image Processing Service Made simple!


Clipping Path Lab is a happy to offer Image Processing Service to our esteemed clients. Image processing is nothing but, optimizing images, to look better, give better attention to the details, you really want the onlookers to focus on. Image processing can deal with a wide range of attributes of images, such as

Image colors: Different color tones in images can result in different effects on the onlooker. Black and white or brownish images give a feeling of nostalgia, while vibrant colors create a more exciting, happy feeling. Our specialists are fully aware on how to fine tune your images to perfection, to fit the requirement and captivate your target audience.

Restore or fix images: Images that have lost their glory over the years can be restored back to their original quality. Pictures that have errors during capturing itself can be fixed, to look better than ever! Clipping path services: A clipping path is a selection so to speak. Clipping paths can be used to select a certain portion of an image. This service is highly used by people in the marketing industry.

From photo editing and optimization, to clipping path to image masking, we do it all. Clipping Path Lab is your one stop shop for all your image processing needs. What sets us apart from the crowd, is the fact that we strive for perfection. Our team, full of experts in the industry, will work for pixel perfect final products.

If you want to know more, go through our website and most importantly our portfolio. We’ve proved ourselves time and time again. Trust us, we know what we’re doing.

Want to know more? Drop us a message so that we can get back to you, and give you information on whatever you need to know!

Remove Background from The Image




Rarely do we get the opportunity of taking a picture with only the subject we need in it. For those of us, who don’t own studios, images photographed are rarely in the right form.

One main problem faced by many users, is that images have backgrounds that they really don’t need.

We’re here to help! The team as Clipping Path Lab are qualified and trained in handling situations where backgrounds need to be removed from your image. Using state of the art technologies and industry standards, we can ensure that we make a pixel perfect selection the subject of your image, and remove the background that you don’t need from the image.

Images of which backgrounds have been removed, are useful in many arenas. Of which one main avenue, is marketing of a product or service. When you’re going to publish an image to an advertisement, may it be online or on printed media, you don’t want your potential customers losing focus from what you have to offer.

That being said, by selecting only the subject of the image, and removing the background, you have the ability to either publish your subject with a solid background color, or else use a background that is less disconcerting the onlookers eye!

We use a wide range of techniques in performing this task. Each technique has its own specialty. Our experts will tell you the exact technique to use so as to ensure that your images are resulted in nothing short of perfection!

What are you waiting for? Come talk to us, and we’ll tell you what we can do for you!