Photo Retouching Made Simple


Photo Retouching service is exactly what it sounds like! It’s an art form that those of us here at Clipping Path Lab love and practice intricately. Have those old pictures at home, of your most cherished moments? Have they faded or lost the glamour they initially had, years ago? Keep wishing that they looked as good as they did years ago?


We can restore your Kodak moments, to their original glory. We use state of the art technology here at Clipping Path Lab combined with industry standard techniques. What’s more, all our designers are qualified and have many years of experience with photo retouching services.

Not only product photo retouching and portrait retouching, we also offer Photo restoration . Your special moments with the loved one’s around you, now better than ever before! If you’re worried that your point and shoot camera doesn’t produce images as good as a high end DSLR camera? Not to worry, the team at Clipping Path Lab just solved that! With the skills of our designers, pictures of your favorite moments will all look like a professional photographer was present to capture those special moments at the exactly right time!


Clipping Path Lab is also happy to introduce Jewelry retouching. A service that isn’t offered by many design companies. But we at Clipping Path Lab are more than honed to take up the challenge! Jewelry retouching, as the name suggests has to do with images of jewelry. Mostly useful for jewelry collectors, sellers and aficionados of the industry, we can make your gold and silver shine as bright as they can!


So why come to Clipping Path Lab? We offer state of the art solutions, at amazingly reasonable costs. The reasonable costs however, do not affect our standard of work in the least. We take our work very seriously, and will make your challenge, our priority. After trying multiple mockups we’ll pick and choose the one that’s most pleasing to the eye. The one that we think will look great on wherever you publish your work!


What’s more, by the time we’re done with your images, you won’t believe that so much improvement was even possible to begin with! Come to us, to discover that seeing is believing!


So come on in, and talk to our team at Clipping Path Lab. We’ll tell you what we have to offer, and show you what we’ve done with previous projects. Our portfolio will even help you to make up your mind as to what you want!